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Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Greetings and Salutations Respected friends and USA administrators.
    Trump is guilty of more crimes Pathan even a habitual criminal in prison for life.
    His crimes sum up treason and hostile take over by way of colluding, obstruction, embezzling, and violating national security at the very least. We must not exclude this truth from the facts in the testimony from Special Investigator Robert Mueller. Based on these facts and data, he is not a legal sitting president.
    I don’t want to cause any hysteria, but that means his entire cabinet is illegally operating in the whitehouse and all of them are guilty of the same if not as accessory cohorts. As stated in the KAICS charge sheets and supporting documents.
    KA is confident in the results of our monarchy decisions for the USA and our empire. Convinced that, if trusted, it will manifest the most successful results for the country without unnecessary means to function and operate regardless of our desire and commitment to dissolve the office of President and discontinue elections to appoint a representative for the country. In fact the KA Monarchs will work directly with the USA government bodies directly as I have been up to now.
    I strongly recommend indictment immediately, and following the KA orders with KAICS documents..
    Thank you for your patronage and most respected service to the USA and Kingdoms of Artiscia Mughal Empire.
    Best and Most Sincere Regards

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  • Now we can’t deny that Trump is guilty. Testimony in congress is what Mueller did to make sure that the truth didn’t get diluted. So we can expect the rest to be like a piece of cake.
    Now we can convict him of hostile take over treason and the charges he’s guilty of that sum up the two. We can stop this fantasy of his being the legally elected president, for we all know the KAME does not recognize elections. Therefore it shouldn’t surprise anyone to consider Trump guilty of treason against the KA when we had clear orders expressing the empire’s decision to not appoint him president for the country. As such the document as authority for the country is legitimate, and his disrespect of such legal authority for the government and its citizens is why we convict him and sentence him for treason etc. it is also why we are dissolving the office of President for the USA, cancelling the 2020 election and every consecutive indefinitely. USA will become under KA Monarchy, and the Monarch will work directly with the bodies of government. Trump and his “cabinet” members will all be sentenced per the KA orders and KAICS documents.
    We congratulate USA congress and Mr Mueller for their integrity and exceptional job. For their ethics and their determination to their positions. Now we hold the justice system and senate accountable. With this information there is no more argument that he may be innocent. That he may be exonerated. That he may not have done anything wrong. He is clearly not innocent, he is not exonerated, and he has broken KA law. He has been found guilty of treason according to KA law. He has become an enemy of the KA imperial state. He has violated national security for the KA and USA. And he’s been found guilty of extorting money from the USA government . Of falsely impersonating A KAME land leader. Of embezzling money from the USA. He’s done a lot wrong under KA laws and USA policy. Typically KA law would put him to death for his crimes. Since the KA orders do not direct such, we commit him to the original 20 year sentence and freeze his authority/ privileges. All assets as well as his business properties.
    Since Hillary is guilty of certain crimes which gives KA pause to the orders of appointment, we have decided with the help of the USA government bodies to dissolve the office of President, and cancel the election here to fore.

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  • Greetings and Salutations Divine highness and KA Friends!
    It’s a new week and I’ve been busy with the USA .. helping the administrations stand up to the corruption in the Whitehorse ..
    Thank you very much for your integrity In the mueller case. For your diligence and tenacity. For your insightfulness and ability to see through everything.
    Thank you for knowing the truth and seeing the things no one else can see, and for respecting me .. thank you for your integrity and ability to seek justice and do the right thing under pressure and take responsibility for all things you command.
    Thank you for working with me to help shut down the corrupt government.
    Now I ask you for more favor more consideration more authority to be more responsible .
    In the KA we have authority to stop the 2020 election and prevent the potential appointment of another best of the worst candidate to the office of commander and chief of the country. This is why we are requesting emergency for the country and actions to dissolve the office of President and the election for 2020 and beyond.
    I don’t see things getting better with just the removal of trump. We have to set a big enough example of a take back from him and his kind, respected friends. If you need my permissions or for me to stand for you as authority and or responsible party for these things to be carried out. I stand for you USA. As your citizen and leader in my imperial state as monarch . As lead administration for the USA.
    Shut down the election immediately and indict trump based on the fact that he was not legally elected. For even though the electoral college put him there he did not go in legally Ophir wi5 any grain of decency and moral integrity or ethic.
    In the KA we are obliged to believe this is an elegant act and form of campaigning and election competition. Even in the ms American parents contestants are disqualified for this kind of competing.
    Thank you very much for your integrity. In the mueller case. For your diligence and tenacity. For your insightfulness and ability to see through everything.
    Thank you for knowing the truth and seeing the things no one else can see, and for respecting me .. thank you for your integrity and ability to seek justice and do the right thing under pressure and take responsibility for all things you command.
    Thank you for respecting my authority as monarch for KAME.
    For respecting my documents and decisions.
    For being integral in your job and positions.
    For not becoming a criminal and further burden on the USA. I appreciate you
    This case is bigger than just the obstruction and illegal take over by trump. Therefore I will appreciate your tenacity and diligence with regard to the other charges against him as well.
    We are not just looking to impeach him. We are looking to end his criminal reign.
    We aim to send out a message to the United States and the world that these crimes will not benefit the citizens and they will not be tolerated. Your job and efforts will help the USA come out clean in all of this. It will make the USA look virtuous and as if it is regaining balance and harmony.
    While it does I, and my KAME, will be helping to make sure it is just that by fixing it.

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  • the KA websites are over seventy in number. Unorthodox in their appearance. Untraditional in their style, but for new government change and being different is good. I wanted the websites to be as unique as the Empire. Being independent means being original. That’s what the KAME is. You can visit and see. Our websites are secure but there’s a 301 redirect issue so it will appear in your addressbar unsecured.

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